Lethal Party
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Lethal Party guild forum. Argent Dawn Alliance - EU (World of Warcraft)

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Themah - Retribution Paladin

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1Themah - Retribution Paladin Empty Themah - Retribution Paladin Thu Dec 04, 2014 1:49 am



Main character: Themah
Alt characters: Tayrenel (is not 100 yet but WIP)
Class (Main character): Paladin
Role (Main character): DPS
Off-spec (Main character): Healing
Armory Link (Main character): Themah
Armory Link (Alt characters): Tayrenel

Ingame Experience

When did you first start/raid in game?
Started playing in vanilla and quit until Wrath when I began raiding on and off.

Experience in the game?
I raided in late Wrath through normal ICC (mostly 10 but sometimes 25) as a mage and paladin; dipped my toe in early Cataclysm raiding as a balance druid; pugged on and off through DS as a hunter.
Paladin has been a constant presence throughout but I only just mained it in the beginning of MoP. I did not commit to raiding until late ToT but LFRs and pugs were had. I progressed steadily through Siege NM and had it on farm by the beginning of March. Mythic raiding has never been a priority of mine.

While I enjoyed those classes at the time when I played on a 2009 HP laptop at 1-8 fps, I now play almost solely on my paladin and my resto druid on a system that's thankfully not a pseudo household appliance in terms of processing power.

Would you be able to raid often?
Most likely, yes. A few hiccups here and there during weekends and some schoolwork but it shouldn't be an issue all that often.

Would you mind changing specs when we lack a role?
With some practice in PvE environment I could step in as holy.

How good would you rate yourself?
As a retribution paladin I consider myself quite good, actually (but what ret doesn't). Rotation comes easily and DPSing is done well, but what makes a retribution paladinĀ a valuable asset is the wide array of utilities and offhealing; even at the expense of meter racing. I prioritize awareness and support over DPSing when the situation calls for it.

About Me

Do you know anyone in the guild?
Not a soul! Throwing myself into the deep end of the pool!

Do you have a mic / are you comfortable speaking?
I do and I have no issues with talking.

Would you look up tactics when asked to?
Yes, I take initiative and study tactics myself.

Are you capable of taking things serious when asked?
Absolutely! No need to ask.

Anything you'd like to add?
I enjoy shitty puns. ):

2Themah - Retribution Paladin Empty Re: Themah - Retribution Paladin Thu Dec 04, 2014 12:40 pm


Really nice application, and you seem to have similar experience as most people in our guild so I believe you would fit in nicely.

I'm willing to give you a try as a trial to see if you feel like our guild is for you and if we agree with it.

Contact me or someone else in our guild to get invited, any raid member can invite you.

(PS: Got to love the ad's this forum adds in to the text, for first I thought it was you but when I pressed meter racing and pug link, I lolled : D, tho the ads were only visible when I wasn't logged on, not anymore when I'm logged as administrator. What a shame! )

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